April Costigan is a graduate of QC Pet Studies, having completed both the Dog Grooming and First Aid for Groomers courses. To learn more about April, check out her Graduate Feature here.
My Life Before Working With Dogs
The decision to enroll in QC Pet Studies’ Dog Grooming Course was one of the most challenging decisions I have ever made. At the time, I had a successful career in the corporate world and had been in this field for nearly 30 years. I had a nice salary, many friends at work, and enjoyed what I did.
However, I wasn’t always happy. Like many professionals, I experienced stressful periods where deadlines and work demands dominated my life. I realized that I didn’t enjoy my work as much as I wanted to. Even though I had the opportunity to work with many wonderful and talented people, I just didn’t feel as though I was satisfying my personal needs.
Making a Change
I knew that somehow, I needed to do something different. So, in my personal time, I began volunteering as a foster for a local animal shelter. I wound up doing this for 5 years and I absolutely loved it! There was so much to learn about dogs and what animal shelters really do for homeless animals. The more I learned, the more I wanted to continue learning.
I completed a basic dog training course that taught me about dog behavior, obedience, and how to read canine body language. This proved to be invaluable. This was when I made a bold career change and took a position at another animal shelter, so I could continue expanding my knowledge about animal rescue.
In my daily duties, I met many different kinds of dogs. I was challenged by all sorts of different temperaments. Pretty quickly, I observed that in addition to basic needs like food, water, and companionship, dogs also needed help in maintaining a healthy body. This absolutely includes their coat. Some dogs came in completely matted from head to toe due to neglect or living on the street as a stray.
Becoming a Groomer (with No Training)
I was tasked with trying to clean the dogs up in order to make them more comfortable. Clumsily, I attempted to brush them and give them baths. In some cases, I also attempted to cut the matted hair away from the dogs’ bodies, when required.
This was hard for me because we didn’t have a trained groomer on-site that I could learn from. I had to figure it out for myself along the way. This sparked a need in me to learn how to do things right. Doing things the wrong way can cause injury to a dog, and I had no interest in making these animals more miserable than they already were.
I only wanted to help them. So, I started my research!
Looking into Dog Grooming Schools
I knew that I wanted to learn how to groom dogs properly. However, I was unable to attend a physical school because I worked full-time at the shelter and didn’t want to leave my job. In the past, I’d successfully completed several online courses while working in the business world. So, why not look into online grooming courses?
I was pleased to find that there were many online grooming schools to choose from. Some offered training via text and online testing only. These courses were less expensive, but I knew I would not gain the training I wanted through this type of learning.
It was important to me that I took a course that provided hands-on experience. I also needed an instructor who would offer me guidance along the way, so that I wouldn’t have to blindly “figure it out” for myself. Ideally, I also wanted to have access to course materials that I could refer back to whenever I wanted – and be provided with a physical copy of these materials, too.
There were a couple online dog grooming schools that I found to be very expensive. I really had to look into what they offered to see if their cost was warranted. In my opinion, it was not. The materials were only available online. Yes, you could download and print them… but at what cost?
Discovering QC Pet Studies
QC Pet Studies was one of the schools that I went back to over and over again. As part of my research, I even built a matrix to compare all of the benefits of the online courses I was considering.
When it came to QC, I used their online chat to discuss questions I had with their Student Support Team. I chatted with someone on two separate occasions, and both times, the assistance I received was very helpful. Since QC Pet Studies offers more than one program, I spent quite a bit of time comparing the courses. I also compared their courses to the programs offered by other online schools.
After about a month of meticulous work, I decided that QC Pet Studies was the right fit for me.
Why I Enrolled with QC Pet Studies
QC Pet Studies offered EXACTLY what I was looking for! I was critical to me that the school I enrolled with offered everything I (personally) needed. Here’s a brief breakdown of how QC Pet Studies successfully met and surpassed my expectations…
Self-Paced Learning
This was essential to me! I needed to be able to move forward as fast as I wanted, or take the time to review something over again if I needed extra practice. QC’s flexible, self-paced training environment allowed me to work on my assignments on my own schedule.
Sometimes, that was in the evenings. Other times, in the early morning hours before I went to work. I also wanted to be able to choose the types of dogs I got to work with (which their assignments allowed me to do), and improve my skills on my own terms.
Physical Materials
QC Pet Studies provided me with a full spectrum of course workbooks, training manuals, and DVDs. In addition to having online access to these materials, I was also mailed a physical copy as well.
Video Tutorials
I learn best when I engage my senses. Being able to add visual components to the learning experience was incredibly beneficial and helped me understand the lessons even better.
Photos and Tool Descriptions
If you have no prior experience with dog grooming, it’s to be expected that you won’t know what each grooming tool is for or how to use it correctly. Luckily, as part of QC’s program, you’ll receive a tool chart, a blade chart, and detailed descriptions of all of the tools.
Dog Grooming Kit
I didn’t want to have to purchase tools on my own, as I felt there was too much room for error. Without the proper insight, I’d likely purchase the wrong items. There are a lot of grooming tools available from different manufacturers. There are a lot of tools that you don’t actually need immediately, as well as tools that only apply to certain kinds of dogs.
I was afraid of spending money on items that would not be put to use immediately. Luckily, a basic grooming kit was also included as part of my course materials – so I didn’t have to worry about buying or using the wrong items while completing my training!
Tutor Feedback
I needed personal feedback on my work. It was also important that this feedback be given to me throughout the course (not just at the very end), so I could know where I was excelling and where I needed to improve.
With QC Pet Studies, my tutor gave me extensive audio feedback after every Unit I completed. By uploading videos of my own work for my instructor to review, I was able to obtain valuable, tailored information that could help me grow stronger as a groomer.
Career Advice
QC Pet Studies gave me a ‘Getting Started’ document as part of my course. This document offered all sorts of useful resources, such as from technology requirements, health requirements, and additional tools I would need to be successful in my career.
Business Development
QC Pet Studies doesn’t just offer grooming training. They also offer a full Unit in their courses devoted to business training, too! This business unit aimed to help guide me into starting my own business – which I did. I now work out of my home on my days off… and I make pretty good money!
How QC Pet Studies Boosted My Career
I’ve since completed my certification training and have officially become an International Dog Grooming Professional (IDGP). Now I’m able to share my new skills with the dogs at the shelter, which has been extremely rewarding. I can’t tell you how wonderful it’s been to take a dog that was in very poor condition, and miraculously change both its appearance and its attitude just by completing a full, comprehensive groom.
Dogs sometimes come in snarling, cowering in a corner, and resistant of human contact. Thanks to my training, I can now transform them into dogs that love to be handled and welcome the sight of friendly people. I credit QC Pet Studies’ Dog Grooming Course for making this possible
You might not know this right now, but grooming a dog is a truly awesome bonding experience for everyone involved. The dog will remember you if you treat them kindly and gently. They’ll appreciate the work you do for them. Even if they don’t say it to you in words, they’ll say it with their body language.
No more snarling, no more low growling, and no more hiding in a corner. Instead, you’ll be greeted with relaxed, wagging tails. You’ll see bright, intelligent eyes, or receive a sweet little kiss on the cheek. That’s the thanks you get. To me, that’s worth every single penny spent on this course.
I guess you could say that in a nutshell, my honest review of this course is that it’s the best decision I ever made. Thank you, QC Pet Studies!